
Sibley Spine Center

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Sibley Robert Final

Ancuram’s unique website conveys its ability to treat its customers with service and treatment plans with a bold choice in colors, such as kelly green, navy blue, and gray. As the action color, kelly green aims to revitalize its web visitors through conveying growth, ambition, and energy. Its incorporation of navy blue as part of its header titles and other accents helps to bring a calm sense of competence and steadfastness to their overall image. Gray is used as an accent color to neutralize the kelly green and navy blue, and when placed over a white background, the website cohesively flows. The website appeals to visitors searching for innovative solutions, Ancuram showcases its ability to care by implementing a wide variety of hyperlinks, applications, and icons for steady communication and constant engagement.

Ancuram begins its introductions with a header, containing a hamburger menu, the company logo, its phone number, and a search bar for instant interaction. The hero image consists of the website’s introduction text along with multiple semi-flat action buttons containing icons and text. Its preceding sections contain various interactive action buttons, icon links, and semi-flat services for immediate connection and contact. At the footer of the page, a HIPPA contact us form can be found, along with an expansive footer border that contains quick links related to services, company values, blog, and a newsletter subscription application. Along the right side of the home page, a contact us tool and accessibility tool can be found for immediate communication and easy interaction.

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