
Southwest Family Dentistry

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John Batlle Full Website Sample

The Southwest Family Dentistry in Lake City, Florida, is home to some of the state’s most reputable dentists. The dentistry team up in Lake City specialize in all sorts of dental procedures. From Wisdom teeth extractions and dental crowns to teeth whitening and cosmetic procedures – we made it our mission to design a website that would match the work ethic and diversity of the dentists at Southwest Family Dentistry.

Overview of Design

When you think about dentistry or any healthcare profession in general, you want an elegant look. We did just that by developing a legible navigation bar equipped with a bar tab and specialty information for incoming guests. And what is a modern website without the use of visuals? We made sure to enhance the design layout of the website by incorporating actual portrait shots of the team members. Throughout the site, you will find a courageously bold font that grabs the readers attention. To tie all of these design elements together, we integrated a subtle squared theme to add cohesiveness to the project.

Use of Colors/ Design Elements

For a classy set of dentists, we went with a sleek black and gold color theme to highlight the professionalism at hand. We balanced a gold color theme to compliment the wide, black background. Throw in some lush imagery throughout the website and you have a layout combination that flaunts bravado and confidence. Black is a great color that provides a sense of professionalism and class. The gold borders that encompass the visuals add a great touch to the website that enhances the elegance and class of the surrounding community.

We went heavy with the special effects – including a multitude of visuals and rotating text to highlight the diversity of the dentists over at Southwest. Above the info-rich navigation bar, we conveniently placed their contact information for increased accessibility to new patients. As with the images throughout the website, we made sure that the overall design elements would directly reflect the services provided at. Professional shots and actual photos from the office give the webpage a mixture of personality and modern professionalism as well.

Marketing Aspect

The website for the Southwest dentistry team is conveniently protected by SSL security. This is represented by the little lock displayed near the URL bar – a great way to prevent sneaky hackers from leaking important customer information. The overall vibe of the website is made to be friendly and accessible to both the young and old. Since pediatric services are held at the office as well, we wanted to ensure that we marketed for everyone. Plus, a little personality and flair go a long way in such a robotic industry. The blog posts located on the right of the navigation bar was also specifically designed to draw in a larger traffic audience interested in additional treatments available.

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