
Somerset Smiles

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What greets visitors to the Somerset Smiles dental page is determined by how they’re viewing the site. Mobile-responsiveness provides viewers with a static image of a smiling family with beautiful teeth. Those visiting on larger screens are greeted with an active video of the beautiful area surrounding Somerset, KY. The logo for the site is a stylized tooth in blue and gray that mimics the website’s color scheme and the theme of the dental clinic itself. The font is elegant without being pretentious, and the whole would be recognizable on any correspondence the clinic sends out. The services section of the page uses whimsical, stylized images of dental topics, keeping the tone light, and efficiently directing visitors to the valuable information they’re looking for.

Mobile-responsiveness is a crucial element of a website seeking to serve today’s digitally connected visitor. Somerset Smiles represents this element well with the aforementioned dynamic hero image that respects the bandwidth and time of mobile users. The footer of the page contains valuable information readily available to visitors, including office hours and social media connections, to keep them apprised of essential notifications from the clinic. The team page provides an excellent opportunity to build rapport with potential patients by introducing them to the clinic and the work the staff there performs as part of the care they’ll receive. Connecting with patients before they ever step through the door or pick up the phone is an essential part of driving conversion.

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