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The Best Website Content Management System for Healthcare Practices

What is a Content Management System?

Websites are usually designed via a template site or developed custom from scratch. Template websites usually come with a ‘content management interface.’ That means an interface you can use to make changes to your website.

But custom websites, on the other hand, may be developed by code, which is not something a non-professional can work with. O360 has created a version of WordPress (the world’s most popular content management system) with Elementor (the most popular page builder). It has been customized for dentists and other healthcare professionals so they can easily modify and update their full custom websites.

WordPress and Elementor for Doctors

Elementor Screenshot From Content Management System

Below are the details of the advantages this combination offers our website clients. To see examples of these

1. Fully customizable

While healthcare professionals of the same specialties offer similar services, they differ. The O360 Customized Elementor and WordPress combination allows doctors to reflect their philosophy and office culture. The content management system it easy to infuse the sites with your personality. While your website is fully customized, the system allows further customization even after it is completed.

2. It’s very easy to use

Businessman Relaxing By The Lake

WordPress/Elementor combo features an intuitive interface that makes adding images, new pages, and blog posts quick and easy. The formatting skills needed to launch and maintain a site on WordPress are very few. A few basic codes make it easy for your website to appear professional, inviting, and engaging without requiring you to go to code school.

3. FTP or HTML editing software isn’t required

The WordPress & Elementor content management system combo contains everything you need to create a professional-looking website. HTML editing software like Adobe Contribute and Dreamweaver aren’t necessary. Upload images before editing them, create new blog posts or pages, format text, add image galleries, and more without needing FTP or HTML software beyond what is included in the WordPress interface.

4. Remote access from virtually anywhere

Because WordPress and Elementor content management system combo is an interface based on a browser, you can log in from any computer connected to the internet and manage your website. Add images during downtime at the office or pull up your site in the comfort of your living room and update it.

5. The management of your site is in your control

WordPress and Elementor combo puts control of your website in your hands. Almost every aspect of your site can be updated and modified quickly and easily on your own. You don’t need to wait for your web designer to execute simple changes or updates to your site.

6. WordPress makes it easy to blog

WordPress is a content management system created to be a platform for blogging. This means that its capabilities for being utilized as such are already built into the interface if you want to go that route. Blogging is an excellent way to impart information to potential and current patients. Learn how to write the perfect dental blog.

You can easily set up email and RSS subscriptions, automatically integrate the most current blog posts on other pages of your site, like the home page and manage commenting capabilities. These features are both easy to set up and simple to maintain. They make your site more interactive and dynamic, extending its reach and appeal.

7. WordPress and search engines are an unbeatable partnership

The WordPress content management system relies on simple and clean code. These properties make a search engine’s job easy when it comes to reading and indexing the contents of your site. WordPress also makes it easy to optimize many different components of your site. Meta descriptions, tag keywords, and titles can be added to the site’s blog posts, images, and pages. Specific keywords you want to target can be optimized, allowing the search engines to index your site for them. WordPress tags can also be added to improve further your efforts at optimizing your site for search engines.

8. WordPress and Elementor Combo support multiple users

Once your WordPress site is set up with you as the administrator of it, you can add other users to it. Not only can you add multiple users to your website, but you can also designate different levels of access to each user. The content management system allows you to customize the capabilities of each user regarding what they can do on the site. You can easily turn over a portion or all of the responsibility for maintaining the site to others while still being able to oversee things at any time by using your administrative access.

7 Great Examples of Healthcare Websites

9. Plugins improve your site’s functionality

Take WordPress and Elementor to work with many plugins. Add layers of vibrant functionality that reflect your practice. Set up a Twitter feed that lets you engage with your followers using daily snippets. Add a video gallery that effectively explains a day in the life of an optometrist, highlight a new piece of equipment, or show off the latest styles of frames so your site visitors can engage more fully with you.

Add an events calendar to alert your patients to upcoming specials and encourage participation. A Facebook plugin that allows your visitors to “like” your page on that social media site further extends your reach and visibility. Many WordPress plugins are free, while others feature a modest price tag.

10. Makes growing your business easy

An effective website design for doctors can easily grow as your business expands and changes. The WordPress content management system and Elementor sites can easily handle a seemingly limitless number of pages, and their performance is not compromised. Add hundreds of thousands of blog posts — or even individual pages — to your WordPress site without experiencing any adverse effects on performance. Whether your WordPress site has three pages or 3,000 pages, neither you nor your visitors will see any differences in how the site loads, the fluidity of the graphics, or any other aspect. WordPress was designed to be fully scalable while still providing stellar performance.

If you are a doctor, you know the importance of a viable website. Whether you have one that is languishing or you are starting from the beginning, WordPress and Elementor Combo by O360 offer you unbeatable advantages. Whether you dabble in computers during your downtime or take a hands-off approach when it comes to your website, WordPress was made to address both ends of the spectrum. Check our Medical Website Design Service page for more details.

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Dr. Sean Fahimi

Dr. Sean Fahimi is a highly experienced dentist who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. With over 15 years of experience in dentistry and a passion for healthcare marketing, he has established several private practices and has become an expert in digital marketing for dental and medical practices. Dr. Sean has been providing his expertise in SEO, web design, and other related marketing topics to healthcare professionals for over 15 years through his blog posts, reviews, and consultation services. His wealth of knowledge and experience make him a valuable resource for any doctor or dentist looking to enhance their online presence and reach more patients.

Guy typing on computer that says WordPress
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