Funeral home websites occupy a delicate space as they provide a service only needed when a loved one is lost. The best funeral home websites show sensitivity to what their visitors are going through in their design and choice of words. With 2025 well underway, we’re seeing some exceptional examples of the best funeral home websites employing innovative design and modern user conveniences. Come with us as we explore the top funeral home websites of 2025 and explore what they did well, and how they could improve.
Dignity Memorial
How We Graded Dignity Memorial Funeral Homes
Navigation (4.25): The top bar menu is static, requiring returning to the top of the screen to move throughout the site. A hamburger menu is provided on mobile platforms but remains a static bar. Otherwise, navigation throughout the site is clear.
User Experience (4.5): The site provides click-to-call functionality in the top bar menu, but the static nature of it detracts from the user experience. No accessibility options are provided, nor is a chat service provided to aid customers visiting the site.
Visuals and Color(4.25): The website’s color scheme is warm and inviting, aimed not to overwhelm visitors. The color and imagery contribute well to the nature of the site and use imagery that visitors can relate to in their time of loss.
- Taupe Brown: warm tone, 24% brightness, medium-low saturation, very low hue
- Turquoise Blue: cool tone, 56% brightness, medium-high saturation, medium hue
- Pampas White: warm tone, 92% brightness, very low saturation, very low hue
Overall Score: 4.33
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
It ranks high enough to make our list and to serve as an example of where the best funeral website designs start. It delivers the bare minimum experience required of sites seeking to excel in their user experience, and to make a mark on their industry.
Rolling Hills Memorial Park
How We Graded Rolling Hills Memorial Park
Navigation (4.75): Rolling Hills Memorial Park comes in strong with a roving top bar menu that stays with the visitor throughout the site. It seamlessly compresses to a hamburger menu on smaller screens but stays with them as they scroll.
User Experience (4.75): From a clear design with speedy load times to the accessibility options on the home page, this site starts strong. These features combine with click-to-call functionality directly at the top of the screen and prominently visible buttons throughout the site to address immediate needs. It could be slightly improved by moving the social media links to the top bar and including a chatbot. But it’s otherwise fantastic.
Visuals and Color(4.5): The site uses a color palette that’s familiar to the top funeral home designs but enhances it with effective use of imagery. The colors provide the right level of contrast to aid navigation and readability, while the images convey important information.
- Killarney Green: warm tone, 34% brightness, medium-low saturation, medium-low hue
- Laser Gold: warm tone, 61% brightness, medium saturation, very low hue
- Neutral Gray: warm tone, 20% brightness, no saturation, no hue
Overall Score: 4.67
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
Rolling Hills Memorial Park delivers a beautiful experience focusing on a comforting customer experience. Including conveniences like click-to-call pairs with accessibility ensures that they can serve the widest range of customers possible.
Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services
How We Graded Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Navigation (4.5): Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services sets a good foundation with a roving top menu with clear links to find important information. It beautifully reduces to a hamburger menu on mobile devices, ensuring smooth navigation.
User Experience (4.25): The site starts with a beautiful, lightweight design that’s suitable for desktop and mobile alike. The roving top bar is a welcome feature for a positive customer experience. However, the site doesn’t incorporate accessibility options or use click-to-drive or click-to-navigate options. Solid bones, but more work is needed for an exceptional customer experience.
Visuals and Color(4.75): The visuals and imagery used in this site are where it shines. The imagery used brings warmth and hope to site visitors while remaining respectful of the difficult times they’re facing. The colors contrast to ensure text is readable and navigation spots are easily located.
- Thatch Green: warm tone, 17% brightness, medium saturation, low hue
- Aths Special Taupe: warm tone, 86% brightness, medium saturation, low hue
Overall Score: 4.5
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services is an excellent representative of excellent site design. While it doesn’t hit all the notes, what it does it does very well. The navigation is smooth, and just needs to integrate more customer convenience options. This, and a lack of accessibility options are the greatest contributors to its reduced score.
Michigan Memorial
How We Graded Michigan Memorial
Navigation (4.25): The site boasts a beautiful, feature-rich top-bar menu with good navigation options. However, its static format means its usefulness ends as you scroll away from the top of the screen. The mobile version is a little bulky but retains usefulness, appearance, and, unfortunately, a static design.
User Experience (4.5): The Michigan Memorial site does provide click-to-call functionality and a robust top menu that aids in easy navigation. Even with its background video, it retains a lightweight design that keeps the site agile. If the menu were instead made roving, so it moved with the user, it would also enhance the user experience.
Visuals and Color(4.75): The imagery and color palette used on this site are exceptional and provide a truly beautiful and serene experience. In addition to aiding navigation and readability with good contrast, it also serves as a platform for delivering beautiful imagery.
- Lunar Green: cool tone, 22% brightness, low saturation, medium-low hue
- Light Brown: cool tone, 56% brightness, low saturation, very low hue
- Tall Poppy Red: warm tone, 46% brightness, medium-high saturation, very low hue
- Venus Purple: warm tone, 55% brightness, very low saturation, very high hue
- Spring Wood White: warm tone, 92% brightness, medium-low saturation, low hue
Overall Score: 4.5
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
This website delivers an unquestionably beautiful experience that reflects the respect and dignity the departed will be treated with. While navigation could be improved with roving functionality, it does provide excellent navigation throughout the site while it’s visible.
Stevenson & Sons Funeral Homes
How We Graded Stevenson & Sons Funeral Homes
Navigation (4.25): The website design provides the bare minimum regarding navigation menus. The menu is static, and is missing some common customer convenience options. However, the links are clear and visible and are fairly intuitive.
User Experience (4.25): The site is quick to load and is at least inoffensive in its design. However, it lacks both accessibility and chat options. Further, no click-to-call or click-to-navigate links are provided, nor any social media platform connections.
Visuals and Color(4.75): The color scheme of this site is striking without being ostentatious. It gives a feel of dignity and sophistication that speaks to those wanting to inter their loved one with respect. The palette aids in navigation with good contrast and reds and oranges being used as attention getters.
- Big Stone Blue: cool tone, 13% brightness, medium saturation, medium-high hue
- Maroon Red: warm tone, 16% brightness, very high saturation, no hue
- Armadillo Brown: warm tone, 13% brightness, low saturation, very low hue
- Oyster Brown: warm tone, 54% brightness, low saturation, very low hue
- Bourbon Orange: warm tone, 43% brightness, medium-high saturation, very low hue
- Bright Blue: cool tone, 35% brightness, medium-high saturation, medium-high hue
Overall Score: 4.42
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
While the navigation and user experience are pretty lackluster, the striking color palette makes it worth a mention. It shows that the top funeral home websites don’t have to rely on a bland or predictable color palette to maintain the gravitas their industry demands.
Beyers Funeral Home
How We Graded Beyers Funeral Home
Navigation (4.75): Beyers Funeral Home starts strong with a well-implemented roving top bar menu packed with convenience items. This style of menu is mirrored in the mobile platform with a hamburger menu.
User Experience (4.5): The top also includes collapsing functionality to remain functional while maximizing screen real estate while scrolling. Click-to-call functionality is an essential customer experience option that’s been included. Click-to-navigate is only absent from the landing screen because it has multiple locations. It does suffer from a lack of accessibility options and no chatbot functionality.
Visuals and Color(4.5): The color palette is a nice mix of warm and cool tones to reflect the area around the funeral home. It takes an unusual approach in focusing on celebrating the person’s life over the more somber topic of burial. While this may not be right for all funeral home websites, it is perfect for the approach this facility takes.
- Mallard Green: cool tone, 20% brightness, medium saturation, medium-low hue
- Supernova Yellow: warm tone, 50% brightness, very high saturation, very low hue
Overall Score: 4.58
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
Our last entry demonstrated that going bold with your colors is a way to stand out while respecting your trade. Beyers Funeral Home earns its place through exceptional design and customer experience, first and foremost. Its use of visuals and approach to its trade elevate it further, reflecting a fresh tone that helps it stand out from the competition.
Chandler Funeral Home And Cremation Services
How We Graded Chandler Funeral Home and Cremation Services:
Navigation (4.25): The site starts with a roving top bar that provides a convenient platform for full site navigation. It transitions into a hamburger menu on mobile platforms. Beyond this core functionality, it’s fairly low on features.
User Experience (4.5): The site loads quickly and smoothly, ensuring that moving throughout the site is pleasant. Contact forms are provided for each of its multiple locations. However, it lacks a mobile-friendly design due to a complete lack of click-to-call or click-to-navigate functionality. This would be a meaningful improvement to the overall site design.
Visuals and Color(4.25): The color design of the site is pleasant, as are the choices made for the imagery used. However, in both cases they lack any kind of distinction that would set them apart from others in the same industry. Still, the color palette provides good contrast, making the site easily readable.
- Steel Blue: cool tone, 47% brightness, medium saturation, medium hue
- Warm Gray: warm tone, 38% brightness, no saturation, no hue
Overall Score: 4.33
Why We Think It Stands Among The Best Funeral Home Websites of 2025
This website does quite a bit well, making it a suitable addition to this list. It is suitably attractive in its design and imminently functional. While it certainly isn’t the top-of top funeral home websites, it deserves a spot in the ranking.
Wrapping Up The 7 Best Funeral Home Websites Out There
Our exploration of the top funeral home websites on the internet in 2025 reveals designs that maintain good standards. Each of them had something to offer, but only one could stand out at the top of the heap.
- Rolling Hills Memorial Park: 4.67
- Beyers Funeral Home: 4.58
- Michigan Memorial: 4.5
- Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services: 4.5
- Stevenson & Sons Funeral Homes: 4.42
- Dignity Memorial: 4.33
- Chandler Funeral Home And Cremation Services: 4.33
Rolling Hills Memorial Park’s is our selection for the top funeral home website of 2025. It captures and expands on the most important fundamentals of good web design. If you’re ready to take your website to the next level, reach out to the team at Optimized 360 for exceptional funeral home website design.