
Puri Pediatric Medical Group

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Primarily serving the Indian and Chinese communities, Puri Pediatric Medical Group invites its cultural denominations in the area with open space, integrating the renewing qualities of teal, Tiffany blue, coral, and dusty rose pink. With Tiffany blue as its primary color, it immediately appeals to the cheerful aspects of children and parents, turning its website into a highly engaging experience. With coral and dusty rose as primary accents to the Tiffany blue, it evokes happiness, vibrancy, and balance as these colors are complementary with one another. Teal’s used as an accent among its design, and while Tiffany blue takes center stage, it’s a selection of fun shapes, wavy designs, and rounded hyperlink buttons to create a pediatric website that’s fun to look at and interact.

Puri Pediatric Medical Group begins its web design structure with a small border, where the rotating hero image takes center stage alongside a layer containing the hyperlink button for scheduling. Many of the sections below contain much information related to the doctors, mission statements, useful links, and new patients portals, all decorated with semi-flat design mechanics and icons. It’s featured services, along with its introduction to the Medical Group’s main doctors and events, are set up flat, but vary in terms of size and orientation. Its vaccination section contains relevant information regarding children vaccinations, and its testimonials are presented in a slideshow widget for easy interaction. At the footer of the page contains their google maps widget, main links, click-to-call numbers, and the HIPPA contact us form. The accessibility tool can be found at the lower right-hand side of the home page for disability interaction.

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