
North Texas Endodontic Associates

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North Texas Endodontic Associates

North Texas Endodontic Associates conveys warmth, comfort, and security by making use of chocolate brown, tan, champagne cream, and gold. Chocolate brown contains healing quality, and North Texas uses this color as a primary accent color for its design scheme. For its action color, it uses an esteemed gold to convey friendliness and accentuates the website’s dependability in combination with the brown. Both tan and champagne cream take on the neutral aspects of the site’s design, filling in the spaces with stability as visitors search through the endodontic website. Bringing in the fervor of autumn shades, North Texas Endodontic Associates chooses to show itself as caring, providing visitors with a relaxing environment to interact with and enjoy searching through. By incorporating simple, easy-to-use elements such as social media icons, action buttons, and click-to-action links, North Texas presents itself as a place of service and compassion, backed up by its accountability.

North Texas Endodontic Associates begins with a multi-layered header, all of which contain the business logo, click-to-call service number, address, main menu services, and social media icons. Below, the hero image contains an action button for scheduling appointments, and along the left side of the page, the HIPPA secure form can be filled out for immediate contact. Throughout the divisions, hyperlinks can be found and clicked on for more information. Its testimonial section focuses on presenting its reviews while giving visitors the option to read more with its action button. At the footer of the home page, it repeats the information found in the header, which includes its quick links, social media icons, business brand logo, and contact information containing click-to-action numbers and email addresses.

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