
Kids Dental Specialists

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A whimsical and nostalgic watercolor image of a lakeside family home serves to establish this clinic’s down-home family focus the moment a visitor lands on the site. The logo features an evocative design that emphasizes the foundation of the clinic’s patient base, mirroring the whimsy demonstrated in selecting the watercolor painting art-style for the theme of the site. The soft tones and dreamlike nature of the art style make viewing the website a soothing experience sure to calm little patients nervous about seeing the doctor. The innovative mobile-responsive design of the site makes it’s visually engaging dental website design transition beautifully between desktop screens and mobile devices alike.

Communication and instant accessibility are central to the website’s design concept, even underpinning its relaxed and soothing appearance. The phone number found in the header integrates with click-to-dial technology to allow patients to reach out to the clinic with a touch. Communication with the office via social media is encouraged by the prominent placement of its social media channels in the footer as well. Mobile-responsive technology transforms the traditional menu into a hamburger menu design. The art style of the website is about more than aesthetics; visitors immediately learn about the personality of the office and its staff through the image presented. The website also provides patients with substantial information on the services provided, the insurances accepted, and options for those without insurance options.

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