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Top 10 Medical Websites for Doctors

Where Physicians Get Their Information

Doctors use the Internet constantly to gather medical information and investigate new procedures. This trend has seen significant growth in the past decade. Finding the right online resources is now part of most doctors’ routines.

However, there is an overwhelming amount of information online. This issue can be even more significant for doctors, who must quickly find crucial information. The internet is an unending fountain of information, reliable and otherwise.

Even Doctors often experience difficulty determining if a site is trustworthy. The following ten sites are a curated list of trustworthy sources.

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Comparison table for the top 10 medical websites website statistics

WebsiteDomain AuthorityAlexa Rank (Global)Monthly Visitors (US)
PubMed9362369.4 million
Medscape901,4204.6 million
WebMD9172675.8 million
World Health Organization941,5865.5 million
UpToDate853,0883.5 million
ClinicalKey8216,9021.1 million
MedicineNet807,7653.7 million
American Medical Association9126,5701.1 million
National Institutes of Health10063110.1 million
Epocrates8049,2140.5 million

Summary comparison of the top 10 websites for physicians

RankWebsiteKey Features
1PubMedPeer-reviewed articles, MEDLINE, MeSH
2MedscapeHigh-quality, 50+ journals, easy navigation
3WebMDHealth info, discussion board, drug database
4WHOPublic health, data, global news
5UpToDateEvidence-based, 25 specialties, trusted source
6ClinicalKey600+ journals, 17,000 videos, evidence-based
7MedicineNetQuality info, easy navigation, expert-reviewed
8AMAMedicine, policy, doctor profession
9NIHGovernment research, free info, discoveries
10EpocratesMobile app, decision-making, user-friendly

1. PubMed

A Respected Medical Website Trusted By Healthcare Practitioners.

Visit PubMed

PubMed is a medical website from the US National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. Doctors will find peer-reviewed abstracts and articles on various medical topics on this site. The creators designed the content with medical experts in mind, so doctors can easily gain insight into new procedures or treatment options on this site.

It helps these experts expand their knowledge based on particular medical topics. The site can also be a good place to refer patients who visit your practice to help them make an informed decision.

Simple Searches with Detailed Results

This online resource has both simple and comprehensive search features. Users can conduct a simple search by entering key aspects of the subject in the search window. PubMed will then translate the simple search and add relevant medical subject headings.

These headings can include (MeSH), field names, synonyms, and Boolean operators. This helps to enhance the search formulation for doctors. You must understand MEDLINE’s core component for an optimal search on this site.

Understanding the MeSH-controlled vocabulary utilized to index all MEDLINE articles is especially important. You may also need complex search strategies, such as proper use of limits, field names, and more. Spending time using this online resource improves the user’s skills.

2. Medscape

Www.medscape.com Screenshot

Visit Medscape

Medscape is a high-quality medical website that is targeted at medical professionals. Since its launch in 1995, the portal has received accolades from physicians and the information sector.

Medscape immediately gained popularity in the medical world as a starting point for high-quality peer-reviewed data. Users can also access other value-added services. CBS bought a one-third stake in the company to prove its high quality. Medscape also strategically partners with AOL to expand its reach in the medical world.

Access to Peer-Reviewed Journals, Publications, and More

One of its core roles is as an information aggregator. Users who register free on the site can access about 50 peer-reviewed journals and full-text articles. They will also gain access to professional trade publications, medical textbooks, and magazines on medical news.

On the homepage, you will find the latest news in the medical world. The site provides links to treatment updates, practice guidelines, conference schedules, a medical dictionary, and even patient resources. Doctors can view summaries of the latest peer-reviewed research from well-known medical journals.

You will find a version of the MEDLINE, AIDSLINE, and TOXLINE databases. A drug database is available without leaving the site. The site also creates unique content presented in seven peer-reviewed online journals on the site. Another unique feature is “Next Day Summaries,” which summarize reports on presentations made at leading medical conferences.

Although this site is full of information from nearly every aspect of medicine, it is quite easy to navigate. Each section is accessible with one or two clicks, and users can find information by searching at the bottom of each page.

3. WebMD

Www.webmd.com Screenshot

Visit WebMD

Visit WebMD

WebMD is an American company primarily known for publishing information on human health problems. Its large number of unique monthly visitors makes it one of the top doctor websites. The site also offers services to medical professionals and clients. It publishes WebMD The Magazine, a patient-focused publication found in 85% of all waiting rooms in the US.

Medscape is another asset of WebMD and is the trusted online resource many US and global medical experts use.

Engage With Other Doctors

They have a discussion board where doctors and patients can freely interact. This can help a doctor to provide insight to patients and gain some by following various discussions. For doctors who wish to gain a summary of a new medical condition, you can quickly look it up on WebMD.

Users access their database of drugs to gain insight into any new drugs released into the market. Users find information on nervous systems, skin cancer, reproductive health, and heart disease through this site. Most of their articles usually contain links to peer-reviewed facts that you can use to make informed conclusions.

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4. World Health Organization

Www.who.int Screenshot

Visit the WHO

The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that focuses on public health. This organization is also responsible for managing the https://www.who.int website. Although 61 nations have signed its constitution, the WHO operates in every region worldwide.

The site provides detailed information on diseases such as HIV, Ebola, Malaria, TB, and other illnesses and fields. If you are a doctor focused on public health, this may be the best online resource designed to help you treat disease.

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World Wide Data

This medical website has data, fact sheets, photos, and medical publications. Its particularly comprehensive section on Ebola is worth visiting. Few medical experts have experience with this disease, so this information is a valuable resource.

For instance, you will learn about the protective measures to take and the symptoms you should check for and care for. Best of all, you will learn which regions might face an Ebola outbreak. This is especially important for medical doctors who travel often.

Besides providing facts and data on serious public health emergencies, the site also has a valuable news section. This section provides information on various medical events, including the spread of infectious diseases. For instance, you will learn about various trends taking place worldwide.

This includes issues concerning child mortality, a major issue in some places. These news sections can be useful for those researching major public health issues globally.

5. UpToDate

Www.uptodate.com Screenshot

Visit the UpToDate

UpToDate is an evidence-based resource authored by physicians to support the decision-making process. Thus, it ensures that physicians make the right choice at the point of care. Over 6,500 globally renowned physician editors, authors, and peer-reviewers maintain the UpToDate resource.

They use a thorough editing process to compile the most up-to-date medical data. Researchers organize the data into evidence-based, trustworthy recommendations, which, according to research, help improve the quality of care.

Information Leading to Improvements in Healthcare Industry

Over 1.3 million clinicians in more than 187 countries, including the United States, use this resource. It helps them give the best medical care in many regions of the world. Over 80 research studies have confirmed the resource’s widespread use, leading to improved medical care. According to the UpToDate site, it helps cut down hospital stays, lower mortality, and reduce adverse complications.

This valuable online resource has been around for over 25 years. In that time, it has earned the trust of the medical community. Doctors and patients trust this site as it does not accept funding from the pharmacy industry.

The UpToDate online topics get over 43 million views each month. A 2016 survey found that doctors found answers to their questions 94% of the time. The resource covers 25 specialties and over 11,000 topics, each answering many questions.

6. ClinicalKey

Www.clinicalkey.com Screenshot

Visit the ClinicalKey

ClinicalKey is a medical database tool owned by Elsevier. It offers access to a huge medical library, which Elsevier also publishes. The Global Clinical Reference team at Elsevier created the database. Over 2000 medical doctors globally helped create the website over the course of about two years.

This resource offers answers to clinical queries. It targets medical doctors, health institutions, schools, and universities. The resource also exists as a mobile app for Android and iOS devices.

Thousands of Videos, Journals, and Textbooks

This site gives users access to over 600 journals, 17,000 medical videos, and 1,000 books. Users conduct site searches using taxonomy tags and other filtering tools. These include journals or by the book, clinical trials, images, or the MEDLINE database. The site also allows users to export images, citations, and copyright details into PP presentations.

ClinicalKey emphasizes that all its data is evidence-based. Thus, you will find numerous evidence-based resources such as Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, Conn’s Current Therapy, etc. The site itself is also quite easy to navigate. It has a simple design and color scheme, making it easy for users to find what they need from the site easily.

7. MedicineNet

Www.medicinenet.com Screenshot

Visit the MedicineNet

MedicineNet.com is a medical information site owned by WebMD. It offers newsletters, medical information, and much more to readers. The content is of high quality, created by board-certified doctors.

The site is quite easy to navigate. You will find a useful navigation bar and options to browse news or various topics. Additionally, there is an option to go through the most popular searches. This site has abundant data but is well organized into bulleted lists, subtopics, and media to engage users.

To ensure everything is as clear as possible, there are links in the text that lead to even more information. From a design perspective, visual design can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. All the various elements appear to vie for the user’s attention.

Thus, it is important to have a specific topic in mind to avoid losing focus when using the site. Despite this, you can expect to get high-quality information from this site. Articles are well-referenced, and medical experts, such as primary care providers, write and review this information.

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High-Quality Articles from Credible Authors

Including the author’s name and credentials shows that this site offers high-quality information. Researchers reviewed most topics in the last two years. This shows that the site often updates its information based on new research.

8. American Medical Association

Www.ama-Assn.org Screenshot

Visit American Medical Association

The American Medical Association is an association of doctors in the US. It aims to promote the art of medicine and science for public health. The AMA medical website provides information about the latest medical developments.

Great for Policy and Legislation

The AMA website shares scientific and health information to the medical community and the public in general. The AMA often represents the medical community in the US Congress and other government agencies.

The agency plays a crucial role in setting the standards for medical schools and various internship programs. This site aids medical experts striving to stay ahead of quack remedies and charlatans in the medical world.

This is a great site for medical experts looking for information on various topics regarding health services. For instance, it provides details on how doctors can manage the financial aspect of the practice over the long term. Additionally, this will be a useful resource for doctors wishing to establish a healthcare practice in rural America.

The site covers more than advances in medicine and associated legislation. It covers all aspects of a doctor’s profession. This site will be useful if you are a young doctor who does not understand any aspect of medicine.

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Medical professionals with years of experience write all the information found here. Thus, reading the data written here is like getting wisdom from those who came before you in the medical world. This way, you can avoid potential pitfalls.here is like getting wisdom from those who came before you in the medical world. This way, you can avoid any potential pitfalls that might arise.

9. National Institutes Of Health (NIH)

Https://Www.nih.gov/ Screenshot

Visit National Institutes Of Health (NIH)

The NIH is an agency run by the US government. The Health and Human Services Department administers this site to conduct medical research. It comprises about 27 centers and institutes dedicated to medical research.

This is an important resource for doctors in various fields of medicine, even primary care physicians. It provides important peer-reviewed information that is accessible for free. No matter which field of medicine you are in, you will find the NIH site useful. It aims to understand the cause of disease, prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and control.

Research Hub for Medical Professionals

The NIH often engages in research projects and publishes the findings online after careful review. This way, medical doctors in the US can grow their skills and knowledge through ongoing research.

The NIH has contributed to about 17 medical discoveries, proving its efficacy. These discoveries have helped revolutionize healthcare in the US and worldwide. If you are a doctor looking for breakthrough research, you will find the NIH quite useful.

10. Epocrates

Online.epocrates.com Screenshot

Visit the Epocrates

Epocrates is a mobile reference app that provides medical data on disease, diagnostics, drugs, and patient management. The developers designed the app for family medicine doctors and other medical professionals. Users can check drug dosing, drug interactions, medical news, disease management, and disease diagnosis.

Authority sources such as the FDA are important sources of information used in this site. Epocrates uses digital configuration to help with decision-making during patient care. Other functions of the app include the ability to identify pills.

It has hundreds of risk assessment tools, therapeutic recommendations, and coding look-ups. Epocrates is a valuable resource for doctors who need a quick medical reference to various aspects of medicine.

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Free for All Users

Another noteworthy aspect of this app is that it is free. Medical students and doctors have widely approved it. The user interface is also worth mentioning. It makes it easy to find any information one needs.

Epocrates’ drug formularies offered by various insurance carriers are quite impressive. They help doctors prescribe medication covered under the patient’s insurance policy to reduce the patient’s copay.

The formulary tool saves time for everyone in the healthcare industry. To see the status of each drug, one has only to download the list of formularies and pick an insurance carrier. Another feature of this app worth noting is the drug alternative feature.


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The Internet contains factual and nonfactual websites claiming to serve the medical community. The list above can be useful for those seeking information to serve their patients better.

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Dr. Sean Fahimi

Dr. Sean Fahimi is a highly experienced dentist who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. With over 15 years of experience in dentistry and a passion for healthcare marketing, he has established several private practices and has become an expert in digital marketing for dental and medical practices. Dr. Sean has been providing his expertise in SEO, web design, and other related marketing topics to healthcare professionals for over 15 years through his blog posts, reviews, and consultation services. His wealth of knowledge and experience make him a valuable resource for any doctor or dentist looking to enhance their online presence and reach more patients.

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