Say No to Physical Therapy Website Templates

Green Physical Therapy Website
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As a Physical Therapist, you are unique in your healing and pain management approach. Your website should paint a picture of your practice and all it has to offer. When a new office space is designed, little things like color choices and furniture styles are based on the individual PT’s tastes. Functionality is as important as the way the office space looks. As opposed to a template, professional PT web development specialists use your preferences to create a website that conveys the unique nature of your practice.

A website created within a pre-designed template limits both style choices and the quality of the content you offer. Unfortunately, even if you purchase exclusive rights to a template, you can do nothing to stop the hundreds of people who used it before you. The basic layout and design elements are set, so Physical Therapist templates only allow you to make minimal changes. Unless you have extensive experience with web design and the appropriate software, you are looking at a headache whenever you need to change or update a template-based website.

Customized Websites Grow With You

As your practice grows and changes, it is important that your website reflects the growth. Scientific studies regularly introduce new, more effective treatments and technologies to PT practitioners. A customized site allows you to introduce your current and prospective patients to advances through educational articles, videos, and blog posts.

Mobile technologies have changed the way people interact with their world. A website must be user-friendly regardless of the platform it is being viewed from, or new visitors will move on to the next site in a heartbeat. Though a PT template may currently function on multiple devices, it does not have the ability to incorporate changes over time. A template-based design could be obsolete after only a year or two, instead of a custom website with a team of skilled professionals ensuring you stay up-to-date.

Optimized for Maximum Visibility

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the technical term that basically means you are easy to find online. When people search for chiropractors in your area, a page that has been optimized to make current search engine algorithms happy will bring those patients to you. The higher you are in the search engine rankings, the more visible you will be to the people searching for your services. Gone are the days when throwing in the right keywords would land you on page one. Google has considered the more organic nature of internet use and looks for personal connections. Quality content in the form of educational materials, patient testimonials, and new blog posts will help you stay current and connected.

More Bang for Your Buck

Any website design and marketing strategy will require an investment. Make your hard-earned dollars work for you by investing in a company that will help you attract more patients while keeping current patients pleased. Physical Therapists and other medical professionals often shy away from calling their practices businesses because human health and well-being is the main priority. Converting website visitors to patients cannot happen if your website does not cater to the human side of the business. You will see a greater return on investment by employing an experienced team of web designers and online marketing professionals.

So… Why Say No?

So you’re a physical therapist looking to get your own website – awesome! But when you start googling around, all these template sites pop up promising quick and easy setup. Don’t fall for it! As someone who works with small business owners a lot, I’m telling you those generic templates are trouble. Here’s my take:

Your website should reflect the heart of your practice, not some cookie-cutter template that a million other clinics use too. You need it tailored to your brand – the colors, images, and text that show off your unique approach. Don’t be just another template site!

And think long-term flexibility. Your practice is going to change and grow, and your site needs to keep up. Templates can box you in. You want a custom site you can tweak as needed, not be stuck with some rigid format.

Don’t even get me started on how vital good performance is these days. Custom sites load faster and handle smoothly on all devices. Template sites? Janky performance that drives folks away. Plus custom sites get higher search rankings – templates can drag you down.

I could go on about security, SEO, features, but you get the idea. Look, custom websites take more effort upfront. But they’re an investment in showing off your top-notch care. Don’t sell yourself short – create a site tailored to you that draws patients in. You’ll be glad you did it right from the start!

See how O360 builds custom websites for healthcare professionals.

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