10 Ways of Motivating Dental Staff

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A pumped-up dental team who tackles each day with gusto – that’s every dentist’s dream squad! But let’s get real, different folks need different sparks to get their motors humming. As the head honcho, you gotta crack the motivation code for each of your peeps.

Sure you can toss some bonuses their way, but genuine motivation goes deeper than just dolla bills, y’all. Here are some tactics I dig that really get dental staff fired up:

  1. Give shoutouts when goals get crushed – “Karen, that was the fastest-filling prep I’ve ever seen!” Public recognition feels so good.
  2. Surprise perks like gift cards, movie tix or throwing an office pizza party make smiles happen.
  3. Check-in 1-on-1 and get feedback regularly – makes people feel heard and valued. Really listen!
  4. Discuss growth opportunities – advanced training, new roles, more responsibility. Feeds ambition.
  5. Offer flexibility – shift swaps, adjusted hours. Trust makes hearts grow fonder.
  6. Promote work-life balance – encourage staycations avoid burnout so energy stays high.
  7. Lend responsibilities – let assistants handle sterilization or hygienists lead training. Tests skills and gives purpose.
  8. Bring positivity always – be their cheerleader, not Debbie Downer. Your energy sets the vibe.
  9. Know your team – some thrive on public kudos, others on patient praise. Mix motivators!


What’s internal vs external motivation?

Internal is the personal drive within someone. External comes from rewards and appreciation. Tap into both!

What skills help motivation?

Empathy, listening, observation, communication – build trust and insight to nurture motivation.

How does motivation work?

You activate it by assigning a task. Persistence is pushing through challenges. Intensity is the energy put into achieving it. Lead all 3!

Keep your team pumped up and they’ll knock every patient’s socks off with their skills and passion! Don’t just be the boss, be their inspiration.

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